A prestigious sculptor who has designed monuments in several big European cities, creator of the “Benois de la Danse” at the Bolshoi, a classical singer and holder of an MPO degree in biology from the University of Paris VII.
Igor Ustinov has worked for artists on the Board of Directors of the ADAGP. He founded and inspires several foundations and associations. He presides over the “Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation”, named after his father, which is active on behalf of children, the “Ustinov Institute” which fights prejudice and the “Ustinov Prejudice Awareness Forum Association” which conducts an open debate about the negative effects of prejudice and the importance of respect as a value for social progress and for the environment.
He is a member of the Executive Boards of the “Winds of Hope Foundation” created by Bertrand Piccard, the “Carène Foundation” and the “Pro Valat Foundation.”
Apart from his active commitments, primarily structured in his “Ustinov network”, Igor Ustinov is first and foremost an artist, a creator!
André Hoffmann is Vice Chairman of Roche Holding Ltd. Alongside his non-executive roles in the family business, he has a distinguished cursus in nature conservation and sustainability. He is the President of the MAVA Foundation of the Tour du Valat Foundation in the Camargue region, France. He has joined the Board of SytemIQ to help positively disrupt critical economy systems; the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum and the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in San Francisco. He is Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Hoffmann Global Institute in Business and Society (HGIBS) at INSEAD.
Through his multiple initiatives, Mr. Hoffmann is attempting to influence business thinking towards the long term by pushing companies to not only report on financial guidelines but also on their real contribution to society in environmental and social terms.
The project was born out of Igor Ustinov’s imagination. With one basic assumption: the urgent need to create low cost ecological and sustainable housing units which can be put up easily all over the world.
Igor Ustinov designed and made construction modules consisting of upcycled PET plastics waste. Presented in 2017 at the International Inventions Show in Geneva, where it won the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations’ IFIA Prize, the project has since won further awards at many other events. André Hoffmann was convinced and joined up with Igor Ustinov to perfect and develop the project for which they own the patents today.
3 years later, the system is ready for the market launch. UHCS, standing for Ustinov Hoffmann Construction System, has now been born.